Thank You

After 2 years of polyglot fun, the Augusta Polyglot is taking a break.
Justin and I have come to the realization that we have too many competing priorities and can not give the meetup the time it deserves.
We will not be scheduling any meetups for the immediate future. If anyone has any interest in taking over the meetings please let us know.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to join us and hope to see you all sometime in the future.
Floyd & Justin

See our page for more information:

Meeting info on Meetup

All future meeting info will be on our page:

Hack Night - Come and Code

We had a great time at our first Hack Night.
People brought whatever they were working on and we all hung out, talked, and got work done.

Some of the projects worked on:

  • Building a compiler
  • Working with Aurduino
  • Blogging
  • Prepping for Code Camp talks
  • Cross platform mobile apps

See our page for more information:

An Overview of the R Programming Language

See our page for more information:

Learn about 3D Modeling using Blender

See our page for more information:

Game Programming with Unity Again

This month we had our second meeting learning about the Unity Game Engine.

Justin Basinger lead the group through creating a Space Invaders clone called Galaxy Intruders!

We finished getting the space ship to fire bullets toward the stars!

The code for the tutorial can be found here.

Next month Jeff Chaplin will helping us learn about 3D modeling using blender. If you are coming to the meeting please install Blender 2.75 from here

In other news we are currently looking for a larger space in the Augusta area. If you know of a space that can host approximately 30 people and has wifi, please let us know.

Game Programming with Unity

This month we had a great time learning about the Unity Game Engine.

Justin Basinger lead the group through creating a Space Invaders clone called Galaxy Intruders!

The group got as far as moving the player around on the screen. Next months meeting will pick up where this one left of and hopefully we will be defending our bases by the end.

The code for the tutorial can be found here.

If you are planning to come to the next meeting, please download and install Unity beforehand, as the Unity install is rather large and takes a while to download.

In other news we are currently looking for a larger space in the Augusta area. If you know of a space that can host approximately 30 people and has wifi, please let us know.

In other, other news, Microsoft MVP Bill Wagner may be joining us for a meeting in the next few months, so be on the look out for more information.

Arduino Sensors

We had a record breaking turn out this month! We have over 20 people show up to learn about Ardunio’s and Sensors.

We had a marine biologist from the Darling Marine Center at University of Maine give us an introduction to how sensors are used in her research. Then her son gave us an introduction to Ardunio and some of the projects he has worked on (including a Simon Says Arduino project). Next we had a breakout session for the rest of the night were groups build everything from a few blinking lights, LED Displays, and a ultrasonic music player.

(more pictures coming soon…)

We also had some members from the Gardiner Maine Robotics team Iron Tigers. They brought their cRio test platform they used to get prep for FIRST Robotics competitions.

It was fun night and thanks to everyone who came out!

Boston Code Camp 23

We had another great turn out for the 23 Boston Code Camp! We even had two members of the group give talks. Floyd Hilton packed a room for his talk on Getting your SQL into Version Control and it was standing room only. James Sturtevant gave a talk on Roslyn Diagnostic Analyzers. It was great time had by all.

There were a lot of other great talks and great people at the Conference. Thanks to the organizers and sponsors for putting it on!

New Location

Ionic Part 2

We had two new members this week, and we spent the first half of the meeting getting everyone up speed with Ionic and the various tools need to develop the Chat application. While the new members were getting settle, some of us tried out the new Ionic View application and got the application to “install” on iPhones, Android phones and even an iPad. Ionic View allows you to “install” your ionic apps on your phone with out going through any of the app stores.

We ended up staying a couple minutes late but by the end of the meeting we all had Chat applications that were communicating in real time with each other! We used Firebase to handle the real time syncing and it worked well for our purposes.

You can find the source for the demo and the solutions to the problems on our GitHub page. See you in April!